
دریافت سی دی و دی وی دی رایگان فدورا

یکی از برنامه هایی که معمولا در هر توزیع لینوکس وجود دارد، مقوله توزیع آسان و رایگان آن است. در این برنامه سعی می شود که آخرین نسخه و برنامه های جانبی آن توسط افراد داوطلب برای کسانی که دسترسی آنها به اینترنت مناسب برای دانلود کردن نیست در اختیار افراد قرار می گیرد. افراد…

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سال نو مبارک – Happy New Year

فارسی: آغاز سال ۱۳۸۸ خورشیدی را به همه دوستان آشنایان و بازید کنندگان تبریک می گویم. امیدوارم سال نو را در کنار خانواده محترم خویش به آرامی به سر کنید. بلوچی ۱۳۸۸ نوکین سال ءِ بنگیج بیگ ءَ چه وتی دل ءِ جهلانکی ءَ په درستین سنگت و مهلوکان مبارک باد گویشن. امیت ان که…

We are illegal

Freeze! Don’t move. What are those? Fedora! Linux! Ah. How do you get them? Did you download it? Where did you find them?… what a nightmare. 🙁 I proudly announce that Iranian Fedora community is illegal. YES, we can’t use Fedora at all. We are not able to take part as members of this global…

K or G

If you are a Gnu/Linux user you can distinguish between KDE and Gnome desktop. I am not going to compare these two famous desktops just want to share my experience using of them. At the first using of Gnu/Linux I used Redhat. I can’t remember  what kind of desktop it had, but it’s not so…

Never stop writing

Today I want to devote my daily note to ‘writing’. I always enjoy writing. I suppose writing is a way that shows your productivity. Every language consists of four main skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading. The two laters are receptive and two formers are productive. As you speak or write something, you are using…

Be Yourself

In my first note I can remember that I mentioned there we have a big problem in expressing our feelings and thoughts. I argued that different people aren’t able to say what they think. In this note I am going to discuss instability in characteristics. You may deal with different people during your life. When…